
Beach trip

My family went for a week camping trip to the beach! I love the ocean. It's so awesome.    ....The only thing missing on this trip.... was my brother Nick. I was very sad that he was unable to come. But he has work and school now.


Little Gracie in Cara's hammock


Aw! Gracie is so cute!





We all decided to cram inside this giant egg at a park


Riding a whale!








Here's to a little boy with a huge grin

A little boy with brown, waved hair. A little boy with a smile that melts you heart. Eyes like melted chocolate. And.... a little boy who is very very dramatic. Like my sister always says, I hate to see the day he actually breaks a bone.....

Jackson just turned eight years old!!! (on the 31st)  Oh, my gosh... I can't believe it. How can it be? Is it true that my little boy, my youngest brother, is eight years old? But... he seems so little! still so young. And to think that I was eight years old when he was born. How did I live without him? his humor. his ready laugh. his adorably serious questions. his nighttime snuggles that we still have. I can't live without him. really, i can't.

Here is eight things about him:
comical, gullible, energetic, 
eager, sweet, loveable

okay, so this picture is a little old. but i still like it, okay?
Can anyone wonder why I love him? This kid is so amazing! My life would be very empty without him. Happy Birthday to Jackson! -even if this is a little late. 

love that guy.... :)



Danny and Colette's wedding

                                                                Isn't she so pretty?!

More to come.......