
We did some Christmas baking!

We started some baking today; we always have so much fun making everything and decorating it all! But we are by no means done; we have plenty more bakery to do!

And of course we had to finish it off with watching our Christmas movie tradition; It's a Wonderful Life! We watch it every year. hahaha, my dad absolutely hates this movie, so we never watch it with him

I even got to paint a little. I made this elephant picture for Colette; elephants are her favorite animal. I can't believe I actually painted something; I don't really like to paint, because I am horrible at it. Give me a pencil and eraser any day! I like pencils way better. Not because I don't like paintings, but because I'm just not good at it or really enjoy doing it. 



Aw, Dear Gracie; 
I want you to know how much you are dearly loved by us. how much we all adore you. prayed and waited for you. I want you to know that we think you are the sweetest thing! Because you are.

Gracie, you are such a little sweetheart. You are our little princess. Our little baby girl. We are so blessed to have you, babydoll. You make the sunshine in our home. You make us laugh when you dance in front of the tv to music playing, or when you "read" over our shoulders when we are reading the Bible. You make us laugh when you laugh; you are so easy to laugh with.

Gracie, i am so proud to be your sister. proud to have such a beautiful little girl like you. I can't imagine what it was like when we didn't have you! What was it like without you?! you make life so much better. and I am so glad God gave us you. 

Promise me you won't grow up soon? Promise me you will stay little for a while. 

We love you, Dearest.
Love, your sister,

Sisters are forever     


Winter Wonderland

Yesterday we woke up with eight to ten inches of snow! How wonderful. I love snow so much.


After we played in the snow some, my mom gave us some delicious hot chocolate. Yum!

Then we went and got our Christmas tree, as we hadn't yet. Because of the snow, we did not do what we normally do and pick a tree of a lot and have it cut down, but instead we went to a store and got one.


Our tree all decorated!
Right before we started to decorate the tree, my older sister fell while spinning with Gracie and dislocated her knee cap. BUT, it only popped out for a second, and then back in. She was in a whole lot of pain, and had to ice it. It was sad, because my sister absolutely loves to decorate the tree, and now she couldn't, because her knee hurt so bad! She has been limping all day today, but I think she is getting better.

Merry Christmas!


new picture\\girl

I finished this picture today of a little girl.


new camera//messy room

I got a new camera today! Black Friday deal. So of course I took pictures!

But not attractive pictures..... you can see how much our room needs a cleaning! Like, big time...... I will say though that three girls live in this room, and that a good deal of this is all my older sister's!

Yeah, I can't believe I am posting these picture of my disaster area room.... How embarrassing that our room is this messy!  Definitely cleaning that tomorrow or Saturday.


In Which I Fulfill My Promise.....

We went to the San Francisco Zoo a while back.

This kid.... he always looks like a goon in pictures!

We had so much fun on this trip!!!