

Aw, Dear Gracie; 
I want you to know how much you are dearly loved by us. how much we all adore you. prayed and waited for you. I want you to know that we think you are the sweetest thing! Because you are.

Gracie, you are such a little sweetheart. You are our little princess. Our little baby girl. We are so blessed to have you, babydoll. You make the sunshine in our home. You make us laugh when you dance in front of the tv to music playing, or when you "read" over our shoulders when we are reading the Bible. You make us laugh when you laugh; you are so easy to laugh with.

Gracie, i am so proud to be your sister. proud to have such a beautiful little girl like you. I can't imagine what it was like when we didn't have you! What was it like without you?! you make life so much better. and I am so glad God gave us you. 

Promise me you won't grow up soon? Promise me you will stay little for a while. 

We love you, Dearest.
Love, your sister,

Sisters are forever     

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