
55 Book Questions Part 1:

Diligently Waiting had this tag on her lovely blog, so I decided to do it, too, since it seemed like fun. Alright, here are my answers! :

1: Favorite childhood book?

I think I would have to say Treasures of the Snow, by Patricia St. John.

2: What are you reading right now?

I am going through the Anne of Green Gables series books for the millionth time.

3: What books do you have on request from the library? 

I don't use the library. But I do have books I want to read:  The Hunger Games (since I just saw the movie for the first time), Snow by Cathrine Farnes, and maybe Divergent. Oh, and eventually I want to read Les Miserables.

4: Bad book habit?

 Losing them. It's very distressing.

5: What do you currently have checked out at the library?

See answer to question 3 ^^^ I don't use the library.

6: Do you have an e-reader?

No. But my mom has a kindle and my brother has an e-reader, which I have used before.

7: Do you prefer to read one book at a time, or several at once?

I'm pretty sure I'm a one-at-a-timer, because I just get too emotionally involved with my books to put it down, haha! But I have definitely read more than one at once before. 

8: Have your reading habits changed since starting your blog?

Um..... no.

9: Least favorite book you read this year so far?

The Apple Grove Gang. Actually, I wasn't the one reading it; my mom read it aloud to us kids because she reads books to us. She wanted to pick a younger kid book because of Jackson (8), but it was a bad choice. It sounded like a 12 year old kid wrote it. A 12 year old kid with zero talent, lol.

10: Favorite book you've read this year?

The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle, and The Diary of a Nobody.
(My siblings know I do this one... haha, whenever I tell them,
"Just one more chapter", they say, "You mean five or six?")

11. What is your reading comfort zone?

I don't like reading books with a lot language in them, or anything very inappropriate.

12: How often do you read out of your comfort zone?

Not very. I really don't want to step too far out, obviously.

13: Can you read in the car?

NO. I would die in less than five seconds.

14: Favorite place to read?

Stretched out on my bed with my blankets loosely over me and the door to my bedroom closed.

15: What is your policy on book-lending?

I only lend books out if it's someone I trust, although actually I don't have people wanted to read my books very much. But if someone wants to read my books, unless it's a prize book that I don't want ruined, I just make sure the person is careful with it and won't bend the pages.

16: Do you ever dog-ear books?

Sadly, sometimes yes. I am so involved and fascinated in the little book world sometimes that I don't notice how much the pages are getting bent and all that. But I try not to.  

17: Do you ever write in the margins of your books?

Absolutely not!

18: Not even with textbooks?

Again, a resounding NO.

19: What is your favorite language to read in?

If I want to know what I'm actually reading..... than English, haha.

 20: So what makes you love a book?

If it makes me cry. I love drama and tragedy. But I love humor and sarcasm laced throughout it. So in other words, if the book makes me laugh, it's a good book. If it makes me cry, it's a really good book. But if it makes me laugh and cry, it's the best.

21: What will inspire you to recommend a book?

I almost never recommend books because I'm always afraid people will be like, "Dude, you like this...? It sucks!"  Haha, yeah, I don't like it when people don't like the books I love. So, yeah. I guess if I was to risk recommending a book, it would be if I thought the book was especially amusing to me.

22: Favorite genre?

Drama I guess.

23: Genre you rarely read but wish you did?


24: Favorite biography? 

I love the book   Zoli's Legacy.  Very depressing, but very very good.

25: Have you ever read a self-help book?

I don't think so.

26: Favorite cookbook?

I don't read cook books unless I have to.

27: Most inspirational book you've read this year (fiction or non-fiction)?

I'm not sure if I have read any especially inspiring books recently, but books I have read that I found inspiring are :  God's Smuggler by , The Cross and The Switchblade by , and Bruchco by



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