
But wait, there's more.....

Okay, I realized that I told hardly anything about my brother, so I decided to give him a little profile... I like to make back stories on people, anyway, so I'd better give a little more on this.


Danny stands around six feet tall, with dark brown hair and brown eyes. He is thin, but not slight. And when I say slight, I am thinking of that type of small-boned structure where you are framed close and thinly together. No, he isn't like that. But he isn't broad either or anything. He is just.... normal, I guess you'd say. Arg, I am bad at explaining. Dan wears glasses, although he also wears contacts, too. I think he wears glasses to work and wears his contacts the rest of the time. But I'm not really sure. I just know he wears both.

He wears size twelve shoes, I think. Yes, my family all has big feet... runs in the family.

He likes hiking.
Like before mentioned, he loves chocolate. 
He likes to kayak.
He likes the beach.
And camping.
And nuts.


You pretty much will never catch him getting in deeper than his knees at the lake. Like, never. Sometimes he gets in as deep as his waist, but only if it's really hot, and never if he is coaxed. He only gets in if he wants to, and let me tell you, if you start nagging him to get in deeper, he will be stubborner than ever.

He talks in his sleep when he is really tired or sick.

He can play the piano beautifully. Like my mom. He also plays a little guitar, and the banjo. And when he was a teenager, he used to play the trumpet. 

He has had the same birthday cake every year since he was about three. Dirt cake. He absolutely loves this cake (hey, I said he likes chocolate) and wouldn't think of having any other cake for his birthday. Which is why we had to give Colette the recipe! He would die if she didn't make it for him. Not even kidding.

Okay, that's all about Danny. I can't think of any more, and you are probably very bored with all this. 

Anyways, I really hope my cat Charlie gets better!! I was going through my shirt drawer to get rid of my mass supply, and he sat down behind me. I didn't really notice very much, except I knew he was licking himself, but I thought he was just cleaning himself.
Finally I realized that he was quietly trying to get my attention. I turned and looked, and he had a wound on his chest by his arm. I tried to look at it, but the light was wrong, so I picked him up to turn him, and warm liquid shot out all over my leg!!! I was really grossed out, and thought that I had squeezed his stomach and he had thrown up on me. But no! It was puss shooting out of his wound!!! I have never seen so much puss in my life!! Not all together, anyway. It was so gross, and slightly brown colored. Disgusting. 

But anyways, I really hope it gets better. We put some neosporin on it, so hopefully he will be okay. Poor Charlie.... I really love him and hope he is okay! (I know, he's just a cat, but that doesn't mean you can't love him just because he is an animal!)
I am just saying though, that puss was so disgusting!! Like, there was so much puss I thought he threw up. - that's how much puss there was!!! Makes me shiver just to think about it......

(P.S  just want to say, my brother was really boring to do a "profile check" on. seriously!)


Can anyone say ONE WEEK!!?

My oldest brother is getting married next Sunday!!! Man, time flies!

Danny and Colette


They have been engaged for almost a year, and were a couple for about three years before that.

I think I will tell a little about my big brother, so here goes;

  1. He is twenty four years old (since August 14th)
  2. He just graduated from college this year and has his Bachelor of Science, Mechanical Engineering, Cum Laude, and Master of Engineering Science. (sounds smart, doesn't he ; P )
  3. He hates coffee! Danny doesn't really like any hot drinks, but I think he drinks a little when he gets cold.
  4.  NEVER TOUCH HIS CHOCOLATE! If you do, you might just possible wake up in a ditch (if you wake up at all!) Okay, maybe a little bit of an exaggeration, but the guy likes his chocolate! He has a secret stash in his desk.
  5. He is a very active guy; he rides his bike to work!! He lives five miles away, so that's pretty cool. Plus, most of the way is along a trail of a river, so that's nice. I always thought it would be nice to ride your bike to work . . . 
  6. He likes to say "Because I'm Batman!" He uses his "Batman" voice, and I think he really annoys Colette when he does that. Perhaps that's why he continues to do it :)  Although I can't say I have heard him do that in a while.
  7. He is now a Second Degree Black Belt in Karate. He gonna kick yo butt! 
Alright, that is all I can think of for now, but below is a picture that I think is my favorite of him and Colette:

Alright, all for now!


karate and violin music

The morning was long and rather boring, but I suppose it was worth it to see my two older brothers receive their second degree black belts. :)  They have taken karate for, I don't know, about six years, and have already had black belts for two years or so. But they got promoted up higher in rank on black belt, which was really cool!!

My younger brother Joey tested for his brown belt today, which he earned and received. Soon he will be a black belt, too! Well, kind of soon; perhaps another year and a half, perhaps two years. I'm not sure how much more really. But anyways, he is getting high in rank, too!

I don't have really any pictures of this, as my camera is number one, horrible, and number two, I didn't bring it, but maybe later I will post the ones my mom took :)

Also, I really really really want to learn how to play the song Bratja (brothers) on the violin! It is so pretty!! Here is how it sounds;



Drama [is my favorite]

Beads of sweat poured down his brow and began to fill the hallows of his closed eyes. Dark hair, damp by perspiration, clung around his temples. his breathing was heavy and labored. his chest heaved, and his breath caught, causing his body to rack in a dry and painful cough. A trickle of blood ran down from the corner of his mouth. 

he was lying on a bed of moss and pine needles. Secluded in a forest of green. blanketed by shadows and chill night air. 

A dog bayed in the distance. it was followed by more, and shouts of men. they had found his scent. and they were coming to finish him off.

the man heaved himself up on a shaky elbow. his muddied hand touched his chest and he gasped in pain. he leaned back on a small slender tree, panting. he was scared. he knew he was going to die. sticky blood mixed with grim covered his hands, and fresh blood was still seeping from his wound. the
cavity in his chest caused from the lead bullet was buried deep inside. he coughed again. More blood from the corner of his mouth. 

 the sound of the baying pack of savage hounds grew closer. the voices grew louder. the crashing of underbrush. his heart pounded. fear shimmered in the light that flickered through the shadows in his eyes. he clutched his rifle. The buttons on his soldier coat gleamed. he set his jaw against the pain that stabbed his chest and the fear that chilled his veins. 

the beams of a flashlight swept closer. and closer. the man could hear the dull thud of boots on the damp pine needles. the heavy breathing of his pursuers. he could feel the light rain as it fell and misted him. a chill shivered through him. 

but there was something he did not hear anymore. the sound of the crazed dogs, wild with excitement over the manhunt, was gone. The slobbering chops and snorts were gone. the blood curdling bay. Was gone. the man raised his head wearily and strained his eyes. There was nothing. nothing but darkness. and silence. they had veered off his trail.

 suddenly, the stealthy step of a man two feet away from his feet froze him. turning his eyes only, he made out the form of a crouching man. He tried to hold his breath. but it snagged in his throat; he was strangling for air. he choked and fell back heaving. it was too late. he was discovered. he was as good as dead. 

Dead! if he had had the strength, he would have laughed. he already was dead; or, almost. He thought bitterly of the day he'd signed up for the military. he'd been a cocky nineteen year old jerk who knew for sure he would come back. he had been so confident in himself. confident he'd return a hero. well, now he wouldn't return at all. ...at least the rotten enemy had not killed the rest of his small band. he had made sure of that.

The pursuer heard his strangled sound and was at his side in a flash. he put his hands on the dying man's chest. "William? William?"

William convulsed. Blood dribbled down his chin and his eyes widened in the darkness. this was not the enemy! this was Dirk...  his best friend and first lieutenant. why had he come back?! he should have fled the enemy, when he had had the chance.

"William, it is I," said the man. he touched the red stained jacket, identical to his own. more blood gurgled out. "William, it is too late, isn't it?"

William struggled to breathe. he tried to form words. "Dirk..."  his life was draining out. 

"William, why did you do it?"  his voice was filled with emotion. tears blurred his eyes. he grasped the limp hand. "why?"

William stirred his last breath. "To save you."    


blow the house down

don't be the lazy little christian who goes to church and calls it good. who reads the Bible, but is thinking about fried chicken the whole time. who prays for things that only benefit themselves. a christian is known by its fruits, and if you aren't producing any then it's time to question if you ever really were one.

you need to read the Word, but not just read it; you need to obey it. God doesn't want hearers of the Word, He wants doers.

the big bad wolf loves to feast on lazy little piggies who don't build up their forces strong. he calls, "little pig, little pig, let me come it." and the lazy pig cannot stop him from blowing the house down with a puff of his venomous breath. and demolishing him.

the diligent pig builds his house up with bricks. he roots himself deep in the Word. nothing can shake him, nothing can stop him. the big bad wolf comes, but he can't puff it down. he tries harder, but the pig builds a fire and the wolf falls into the trap. nothing can stop a pig in the depth of God's Word, no matter how hard it tries. the big bad wolf is no match for the pig with God on his side.

my little sister gave me the book "the three little pigs" and i read it to her. and then i thought of it in a new light. and yes, i know this is a weird way to think of Christianity.  but welcome to my little world.



when me and my siblings were younger, we would play 'monsters'. we would drape ourselves with giant blankets and cuddle up into a curl on the floor. my older brother Nick was usually the 'monster', as he played the part the best. he was the scariest. and we liked it that way. we liked the thrill of being the people that were the victims. we would be the people who would, "unsuspectingly" just 'happen along' and see a rock. of course then the fun began. we would get eaten, screaming all the way, by the camouflaged monster.

 but sometimes we all were monsters. and we all tried to eat each other. to eat, a 'monster' had to somehow suck you inside it's blanket, the blanket being the skin. when the monster succeeds in pulling you under, he digests you, and then you are dead (no duh). so we all tried to be the one who conquered with our blankets flung over the other monster, sucking the life out and smacking our lips on the juicy flesh.  

we would play this for hours, us shrieking and running from my brother as he gallops after us in a strange crawl because he is trying to keep the blanket on him. us trying not to get caught. and yet getting as close to danger as we can. trying to see how close we can get before he suddenly turns from 'still rock' to flesh eating machine.

i have not thought of his game we used to play in a long time. and yet at the time it was a part of our daily lives. we would play it every day. we loved it.

it may sound weird to you. it may sound uninteresting and unfun. and maybe i am just bad at explaining (and everyone who knows me knows that i am horrible at explaining). but to us it was amazing. and it was just about the funnest thing ever.



     Sisters are very special. They have a connection with each other that they have with nobody else. They almost always know what the other is thinking, get reminded of the same things at the same time, and finish each others sentences because they know each other so well. They share secret smiles with each other every time there is a "Hey, I know what you are thinking about;" especially since all it takes is a movie quote to remind them of an "inside joke."

    Sisters know each others souls. They know the deepest wishes and dreams; the worst fears, the worst nightmares. They laugh secretly together over their "most embarrassing moments", even when the other really doesn't know why it's embarrassing. They treasure their most cherished memories together. Laugh together. Dream together.
    Sisters can fight all day and pretend they hate each other; but when it comes down to it, they love each other through and through. They will fly at the slightest hint of endangerment of their sister, and protect each other vehemently. No one gets away with ridiculing their sister (unless it's their self, of course!).

    Sisters know just the right nerve to touch when planning to hurt the other. They know just what will enrage each other. And yet the same is true vice versa. They know exactly what will please the other sister the most, exactly how to make the other glow with delight.

    Sisters are forever. And distance will never separate them.