
Random stuff

In my crazy house, lots of strange things are said or done. Here are just a few:

 ~ Jackson (8) sees a picture of Adolf Hitler and immediately cries, "He's got a pig nose! He's got a pig nose!" Everyone else is like, "What?!"  and he says, "well, it looks square, to me."

  ~ Jack is doing his math on the carpet, when suddenly he jumps up and says, "I heard a cockroach hiss! I just heard a cockroach hiss!"   Um, no you didn't. (Or so we hope.... :)

  ~ After telling Mom everything he is going to do when he's grown up, Jack says, "I'm not saying you're old, but you might be dead before I do that. I'm not saying you're old, or anything."


 ~ Joey (14): "I want to grow my arm pit hair so long I can braid little goatees coming out my pits."   

~ Spewing my water across the kitchen table onto my brother's dinner plate.... He hadn't eaten anything because he wasn't hungry, but he still ate it later. Haha, don't say anything even remotely funny while I take a drink. You will get sprayed. 

~ When someone has something stuck in their teeth, and you're like, "um, should I tell them....?" 

~ This picture:

 If you can't tell what he's wearing, it's a waaaayyyy too small sparky vest. It was "Wear Your Uniform to School" day at AWANA, and since he doesn't have one, he pulled an old sparky vest out of a closet or something. That boy.... is not right in the head.....



~ I went ice skateing with my best friends and sister for the first time! Actually, this happened like, over a month ago. So I'm a little behind.

~ Good books. No need to explain.

~ Homemade milkshakes! They're the best.

~ I've started driving!! Really excited about that. I don't think I will get my license until way later this year though. I'm in no real hurry. 

 ~ Babysitting the cutest little baby boy ever! Actually, babysitting in general is pretty fun. :)

What's been awkward or awesome about your week?  


  1. Hello! Thanks so much for commenting on my blog. I really appreciate it! =) Also, this post is hilarious! Aren't brothers just the best? hehehe


  2. Haha, yep, brothers are super awesome/funny! Can't live without them. :) And you're welcome, I pretty much think your blog is the best in the world :) just to let you know.
