
Piano lessons, Little Red Riding Hood, Dad's birthday, and other randomness

Yesterday I gave Jackson his very first piano lesson. We have not had a piano teacher for a long time now, and Jackson has never had a single lesson or anything. I'm not very good at piano myself, but at least I can start him off and sort of 're-learn' as I go along.

Jack was actually pretty fun to teach. He is a very smart little kid, and I think learning piano will be good for him.

I had Jack doing an (not complete) scale, and every time he played down and got to the notes D and C, he would laugh and say, "D.C.! People live there."  That kid cracks me up. He cracks himself up! And his laugh . . . is the most hilarious part! Sometimes he starts laughing at himself so hard and giggle-y that everyone else can't help but laugh, to.  He's adorable. (He hate's it when I say he's cute or adorable. He told me he hates those words and thinks the word "cute" should be against the law to say.)

Also, for some reason I have suddenly liked the idea of drawing Little Red Riding Hood. One day I just wanted to draw her really bad! I finished this one actually a couple of weeks ago, but here it is anyways. I started another one, too, but I haven't yet finished it and I don't think it will turn out as good. She's still fun to make, though. 


 Also, note: If any drawings I post resemble real pictures from online in any way shape or form, that's because I look up pictures online and draw them. So . . . yeah. 

And, my amazing, awesome, wonderful, hilarious, Dad had a birthday on Saturday! My dad is the best ever - period. So it was nice to have a small celebration for him. I love my dad! He's awesome. 

And now for random pictures . . . .

My mom has been saving orange peels lately because she has been making her own laundry stain cleaner.

Gracie is curious about everything

For some reason, Gracie is highly attracted to the pantry. She loves to get into flour and powdered sugar. Sometimes when my mom is cooking, she turns around and there Gracie is with the lid off the flour and her hands and face powdered white.  :)  She's funny.

Okay, enough for now.

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