
So... yeah; I'm still alive.

You thought you got rid of me, huh? Well you thought wrong. I'm back. And I'm even worse than you remembered.......

Lol, I'm not even sure what I'm talking about right now... haha, I guess we all are kinda confused. At least no one has any unfair advantage, right? Right.

The point is, I'm back.

So I'm really behind on everything, but I think I will finish off my little 'Camping' series before I move on, so here are the last of them! We'z just goofing off      =)    [also, I'm not sure what pics I have posted already and what I have not, so forgive me if I share a pic I already have!]

 We tried my timer on my camera (which I love!) and did those jumping pictures. Or at least tried to! Lol, we didn't always get off the ground, and when we did, there was always one of us who did not.... haha, here are our attempts!

oh, and on this one, THE ONE TIME Jackson made air....... NO ONE ELSE DID!!! Sigh.... ;)

Oh, and I kinda forgot I set my camera to take multiple pics, so I started to walk over and thennnn... oops!
 So I tried to play it cool!
 And run back.

 This next set is my favorites. Actually, they are all my favorites! We are such idiots!

 Don't ask what I was doing.... I don't even know...

 This last one is prob my fave, because we are all laughing, and it's real laughter, too. (See last pic to know what we're laughing at!!)  I just wish Becca was more in the picture, though. That's the only thing I am said about.

And here are my three oldest younger sibs :)   [if that was a confusing sentence, then let me rephrase: here are three of my younger sibs. Is that better?]

That was a very fun camping trip. Like. . . VERY FUN. I enjoyed it emensely, and I will remember it for forever and love it :)

Goodbye now!
