
Anything and Everything

So I'm not a very consistent person... well, at least with blogging, anyways. I have a lot of things to blab about, but I'm always too lazy or something to do it.

Wednesday we went to the library. I know, I know! What? The library?! So I said we never go there, but okay. Maybe once in like, every hundred or so years we go. And for a lot of reasons: one, my youngest sister is two and for some reason she turns into a monster in the library! And then the nasty librarian with short hair gives us the evil eye, totally judging us. D:  Two, it's so hard to find books that are appropriate to read!!!! Ugh!! Three, we live like, thirty minutes from the library. So.... yeah. And also, back in the old days when we went and all of us were younger, we always had trouble with the librarians saying our books were late. Um. They were never late. Just to point out. Those people....

The books are got are these:

(Sorry for the dim lighting. I took these at night.)

To Kill A Mocking Bird, by Harper Lee.

The Hunger Games, by Suzane Collins.

and The Pickwick Papers, by Charles Dickens. (who doesn't like Charles Dickens? Oh wait... my brother. How could he?!)

I've already devoured To Kill A Mocking Bird. Let's just say I absolutely loved it! It was not what I had thought it would be at all. It was so brilliant.

However, I would not really advise this book. It was a lot of language in it, and also a lot of heavy material.

Here is my adorable sister Gracie. She's just the cutest.

 Her dark brown eyes coupled with light hair is so pretty.  =)

We are going camping on Sunday through Friday to Sunset Beach. Aw, ocean. I love you. I can hardly wait to see you again, and feel your icy embrace. 

So, be prepared for pictures! (I never posted any pics from our ocean trip on August, so this time I will!)

Okays, goodbye!!!



  1. Hi, Samantha! I tagged you for the 20-Things-You-Might-Not-Know-About-Me-Blog-Tag. You can see it here over at http://introducing-inspiration.blogspot.com/2014/09/20-things-you-might-not-know-about-me.html.
    I can't wait to see yours!
