
Favorite Movie Characters #2, Realistic

So I still want to finish this "series" that I started, like, a million years ago. So here is the next part; Favorite Movie Characters #2, Realistic:
*Please note: These are not in order!!!

#1:  Napoleon Dynamite.

2:  Mr. Darcy

Also my mom and my sister insist that this version of Mr. Darcy is ugly. UGLY!!! How could they say that???? They are clearly delirious. Because Mr. Darcy. is. not. ugly.

3: Katniss Everdeen.

Okay, so I've only seen the first movie, and read the first book, but that doesn't mean I can't think she's awesome even though I've only seen/read the first one. I really can hardly wait to see/read the rest!!!

Eh, I'm kinda tired now, and my brain is trying to tell me that I have watched no movies, therefore I have not favorite characters..... I hate it when my brain lies to me.

Also, these are just random people I like. Not necessarily  my favorites. So perhaps the title to this post is also a lie.

There seems to be a lot of lying in this post.... my brain.... this title.... what next?

So goodbye. Sorry for the random weirdness. All for now, I promise.

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